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The Art of Installation

Tuesday, 7.02.2023 19:00 Uhr

Lecture by Michelle Elligott, Chief of Archives, Library and Research Collections, The Museum of Modern Art, N.Y.

As part of TRACES, the Documenta Institute and the FG EuG Design and Building Theory invite you to a lecture by Michelle Elligott on the Art of Installation by the pioneering MoMA director René d'Harnoncourt (1949-68), who was one of the most influential personalities in terms of exhibition design and innovative curatorial approaches.

Lecture in English 

Michelle Elligott is Chief of Archives, Library, and Research Collections at The Museum of Modern Art since 2017.  Previously, she was Chief of Archives, and she joined the institution as Mellon Fellow in 1995.  Ms Elligott’s publications have garnered many accolades.  Her book, Modern Artifacts, appeared on the Best Art Books of 2020 lists of The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and The Brooklyn Rail.  New York Magazine hailed it as one of the Ten Best Art Shows of 2020.  An earlier publication, René d’Harnoncourt and The Art of Installation, was named to The New York Times Best Art Books list in 2018 and earned the Art Libraries Society of North America Worldwide Books Award in 2019.  In 2022, Elligott brought the publication to life in the form of an exhibition, Exhibition as Work of Art: René d’Harnoncourt for MoMA.

ASL Neubau, Universitätspl. 9, 34127 Kassel, R0105

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