The transdisciplinary symposium brings together numerous experts from a wide range of disciplines from the Kunsthochschule and the University of Kassel, as well as international guests. In lectures and discussion rounds, diverse aspects and questions of exhibiting, current theories and approaches will be examined. We understand exhibiting not only as a mere presentation of artworks, but as a comprehensive cultural practice that reflects the connection between artists, curators, audience and society.
13.00–14.00 Welcome lunch
14.00–14.45 Mi You: What we are not talking about when we talk about exhibitions?
14.45–15.30 Felix Vogel: Art handling as methodological challenge
15.30–15.45 Break
15.45–16.30 Lucy Steeds: Exhibition historiography through strategy: Get Arts (1970)
16.30–17.15 Yaiza Hernández Velázquez: Looking for the exhibition in all the wrong places
17.15–17.30 Break
17.30–18.15 Martin Schmidl: Critique of exhibitions
18.15–19.00 Susanne Ritzmann: A typology of the undesirable
19.00– Rundgang / Dinner/ Bar
09.00–09.45 Kai-Uwe Hemken: Next level. Documenta fifteen as a conflict zone of contrasting systems
09.45–10.30 Stefan Greif: The narrative of the artist collective. Narration as a collaborative practice of documenta
10.30–10.45 Break
10.45–11.30 Philipp Oswalt: Wehrmachtsbaracke 260/9. Towards a plural account of history
11.30–12.15 Gabu Heindl: Public history / Politics exhibited
12.15–13.30 Lunch
13.30–14.15 Hubertus Büschel: Re-/Decolonized exhibitions
14.15–15.00 Sneha Ragavan: Exhibition histories in Asia: A report from the archive
15.00–15.15 Break
15.15–16.00 Alexis Joachimides: Innovative Italian museum installations in post-war Brazil - Transfer, reception, modification
16.00–16.30 Closing discussion
Organized by traces
Hörsaal der Kunsthochschule Kassel
Menzelstr. 13 (Nordbau), 34121 Kassel